Welcome to Japan Travel Advice

Welcome to Japan Travel Advice

Japan Travel Advice

I am glad to announce that as of the 1st of October 2012, Japan Travel Advice has been launched to the world.

This site has lofty ambitions as can be witnessed by the Japan Travel Advice slogan “The Complete Japan Travel Guide”. We have aimed high and realize that in no way the current content is up to that standard. We have the basic structure for the site in place and will continue to build upon what is in place. Over the coming months we will continue to post new content on the specific destinations and attractions in Japan to build up the site and reach our goal of being the complete Japan travel guide.

In the meantime, please have a look at some of this sites features including:

Our Sightseeing Map on the home page to help navigate yourself around Japan

Our Destinations Page with suggested itineraries

Our Castle Explorer Page to see the must see castles in Japan

Our Temple Explorer Page to see the must see temples in Japan

Our Shrine Explorer Page to see the must see shrines in Japan

Our Garden Explorer Page to see the must see gardens in Japan

Stay posted and I hope you will join us in this journey of discovery of all that Japan has to offer.


John Asano

John Asano (128 Posts)

John Asano is a blogger, travel writer and travel advisor living in Gifu, Japan. Originally from Melbourne, Australia, he has lived in Japan now for over 15 years. John loves nothing better than picking up his camera and exploring all the amazing sights and attractions that Japan has to offer. He writes about the must see sights and attractions in Japan at Japan Travel Advice, as well as about Japanese culture and modern life on his blog Japan Australia. You can read more of his work at http://japan-australia.blogspot.com/