Japan Plans to Open Again for Tourism

Tourists Allowed Back into Japan

Japan Plans to Open Again for Tourism

Finally, some good news this week with Japan planning to open again for tourism. The Japanese government announced that it plans to accept small groups of tourists from the United States, Australia Thailand, and Singapore in a trial this month in May.

The program is intended by the government to hopefully be a prelude to a full scale opening of Japan to foreign tourists starting in June 2022.

Japan’s borders have been closed to foreign tourists since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Visitors from the United States, Australia Thailand, and Singapore will need to show proof that they have been triple vaccinated and are covered by private medical insurance in order to enter the country.

Tourism Minister, Tetsuo Saito said on Tuesday, May 17, “Infections by the virus’s variants are under control in those countries.”

The tourists will travel to destinations that have been approved by prefectural governments. They will also be accompanied by tour conductors and their activities will be managed by Japanese travel companies.

According to the JTA (Japan Tourism Agency), about 10 to 15 groups are planned under the test project this month.

After the project, the JTA will study the results of the trial to compile guidelines for travel agencies and accommodation facilities. They will also come up with measures to ensure that foreign tourists take COVID precautions. The JTA also wants to be ready with responses if any foreign visitors become infected with the coronavirus while in Japan.

If everything goes well and there are no major problems, the government will gradually expand the range of foreign tourists allowed into Japan and Japan will fully open once again for tourism.

A rumoured timetable could see tourists allowed back into Japan unhindered by any restrictions in the fall of 2022.

John Asano (128 Posts)

John Asano is a blogger, travel writer and travel advisor living in Gifu, Japan. Originally from Melbourne, Australia, he has lived in Japan now for over 15 years. John loves nothing better than picking up his camera and exploring all the amazing sights and attractions that Japan has to offer. He writes about the must see sights and attractions in Japan at Japan Travel Advice, as well as about Japanese culture and modern life on his blog Japan Australia. You can read more of his work at http://japan-australia.blogspot.com/